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office sitting direction as per vastu |for entrepreneurs and professionals

office sitting direction as per Vastu: The direction you should face while sitting in the office

This blog will explain what are the things to consider for office sitting direction as per Vastu to create a good office environment according to Vedic Vastu? for entrepreneurs, businessmen and  professionals along with some useful tips for office sitting direction per Vastu So let us begin

Yes, it's true! The seat a person sits in as well as the direction the desk or workstation faces will determine what kind of successful and productive a person is in the workplace or at a place of work.

  • VastuShastra According to Vastu, Shastra East is the most favourable direction to take to achieve the highest level of performance and general mind-body harmony. The science behind that is quite simple: the sunrise occurs in the east which is conducive to economic growth.
  • The next option is to be facing the North or else, the Northeast is a better choice. Vastu directions that are conducive to financial success are northeast and north. Looking to the east or north when working is extremely beneficial and helps you feel refreshed. In the end, the northern direction is ruled over by Lord Kubera who is the God of Wealth.
  • The type of work and your job also impact the direction you're expected to take at your place of work. We will look at a few important examples of professions to gain a greater understanding:
  • If you're a professional or worker employed in the service industry, it is advised to go east since it promotes growth in all ways
  • Entrepreneurs should be facing either east, north or northeast direction, as it is believed to be a sign of prosperity.
  • Traders must sit facing north or north-eastern direction to ensure financial success within their fields
  • Professionals in sales and marketing should be seated in the north-west direction and a manner that the seat is facing the direction of north-east to ensure the professionals are more productive in their work
  • Accounting professionals must sit at the corner of south and east during work and look in the north-east direction to increase wealth
  • Business leaders should be in one of the cabins in the western portion of the offices. They should be facing the northeast direction since it improves leadership abilities.
  • The principal head or owner of the organisation must look North while handling clients.
  • The eastern or northern parts are appropriate for executives as well as other staff.
  • The managers and other top-level employees in the office should be seated in either the Southern or Western section to look North or East when sitting in the office
  •  World further provides the rules of thumb to keep in mind, about the direction that is favourable and must be not followed:
  • If you're having trouble working with concentration, focusing on decision-making, or other mental functions, it's relatively simple to alter your desk or home office's orientation. Make it to be looking straight east.
  • If the east isn't an option, then consider going north as a second alternative.
  • If you aren't able to get precisely the north and east directions, opt for east of north as well as east of north. The north-east direction is determined by water and can be a sign of someone's financial standing, according to Vastu Shastra
  • West can be a great direction because the area is filled with more negative energy than positive energy to be found direction. Therefore, it is not advisable to have a desk that faces West in the office. The best thing to do is to place your desk on the opposite end of your table to ensure that you are facing East
  • South and directions to the West are considered to be undesirable so they should not be used whenever feasible.

 Should and Must follow Vastu Shastra guidelines for Office

  • If you want to have a superabundant office, consider an office that faces east.
  • The rectangular or square shape is the best shape for an office building and circumvented the non-uniform shape of the office or plot.
  • According to Vastu plants located in the direction of north-east northeast, You can put a water source.
  • The main head of the business organization must be toward the north while performing work or trading with clients.
  • For executives and staff executives, either directions north or east are ideal for staff and executives.
  • The top-ranking members of the company must be forced to do wrong in either the west or south direction. Then only their face should be to the north or east when sitting.
  • In an office, the left side, the northeast part must be empty. Their water supply must be installed.
  • According to Vastu Shastra In the west and north-west directions, toilets must be built.
  • In the direction of the southeast, it is recommended to build a pantry.
  • It should lie located in the west or south-southwest directions.
  • The reception is located on the northeast side of the street.
  • If you must keep a temple, then place it in the northeast.
  • Decorate your walls with Brigcoloursors and sweets.

 Let's take review some of the Vastu suggestions for the growth of your business:

  • If you're in search of space or a plot to build your factory, office or for any other commercial use you should consider this Shermukhi plot. These plots are wider at the front and smaller towards the back. Try to buy land near the operational road signals.
  • Office buildings should face north in either direction, either northeast or northwest because it is believed to bring luck, positive energy and good fortune.
  • According Vastu. This is the principal entrance or the main door into the offices must be facing north or east. Avoid placing anything that can be a scourge close to or directly in front of the main entrance.
  • The welcoming room of business homes must be located in the northeastern-east direction in the eastern area of the business houses or offices.
  • The central part of the offices building is unoccupied space
  • The office's space should be located in the southwest direction and the owner should sit in the north. Don't place idols or temples behind the seat of the owner. It must be a concrete wall behind the seat of the owner's hind and no glass structure. The desk of the owner should be rectangular.
  • The staff should be working in either the east or north directions.
  • To ensure a robust financially supported system cleclears e North-West (NW) area of the business building from activity and anti-elements. Do not construct toilets in this area as it could affect the financial support. Since white horses symbolize the financial backing, these could be the location where the d on the NW accounts
  • The department of accounts should be located in the east and north zones and those who work in the bank and the transaction section should be facing either direction of north or east. All financial records should be stored within the centre north of or the southwest corner of the cabinet.
  • Businesses are responsible for processing the process of paying for new orders and payments. By using Vastu you will be able to make the process easier. Don't build an area for a pantry, or paint the northeast in pink or red. In the same way, remove the southeast-east region from the blue colour and opt for green conference rooms.
  • The conference room must be located in the northwest-west direction.
  • It is possible to set up an aquarium that has 9 goldfish as well as one fish in the direction of North-East.
  • Workstations and desks should be square or rectangular, but not L-shaped. An irregular shape can lead to confusion and should be avoided.
  • The electrical equipment must be located in the southeast-east direction of the office building.
  • If your company is connected to manufacturing, you should begin from the south and then move on to the north and west, before finally reaching east.


Let's look at some of the best Vastu advice from experts to boost your growth and prosper in the workplace:

  •  The office needs to be located in an area where it is busy all day. Residential areas with a lot of people could be ideal locations to establish offices. It is suggested to stay away from locations that do not see a lot of traffic as an option for setting up offices.
  • North is a great direction to set up the workplace. Office buildings that are facing north are thought to be filled with positive energy and are likely to grow at a fast rate.
  • North is also the direction of Kuber, the god of money. Seating arrangements that are made in a way that faces the north are thought to be beneficial and good for business dealings.
  • Cabins for those who are in the office with authority must be situated in the west direction and facing the north/northeast direction to ensure maximum energetic flow. 
  • The entrance of your office/workplace should be in the north/northeast/northwest direction.
  • When it comes to desks for offices, they work ideal if they are placed in a location that faces the east or north. Another thing to keep in mind in this situation is the fact that your desk needs to be made from wood and, if it is possible, superior quality wood. Desks made from glass or metals aren't suitable for workplaces and offices.
  • Vastu recommends keeping items associated with work such as documents, files as well as folders, on the left of your desk if they are located facing the north.
  • Additionally, the folders and files should be stored on the right-hand part of the desk when they are arranged in a position that faces east.
  • Apart from the ideal direction for the desk, and the materials used its size and shape are equally important to the eye of Vastu. The ideal rectangle shape has regular proportions. A table with a square shape would work as well.
  •  There are some things you shouldn't do in your workplace, at your desk, to be exact. Do not eat or drink on the table or desk at work because it's considered to be a form of disrespect that Vastu Shastra prohibits eating on the table. Additionally, your desk must be kept clean and neat all the time.
  •  Another aspect you should not do on your desk is to place statues or images of gods you revere on it. The primary reason is that these gods are revered and respected in Vastu and therefore you shouldn't be putting them in a place that has to do with your normal life.
  •  It is also important to refrain from doing non-essential things that are not related to your work at your desk at work or in the office area.
  •  Important work-related files and documents should be kept on the western walls of the office building. The direction to the northeast is an acceptable option in this instance.
  •  Important funds and resources for work like cash must be kept in the southwest part of the office as it is thought to be a steady path which will ensure that your cash is secure and stable.
  •  Essential work resources/funds like cash must be kept in the southwestern portion of the office because it is believed to be a steady path which keeps your money in a safe and secure location.

Best Vastu Tips for Office and Workplace

A positive, motivating and encouraging environment is the most important factor to success and increase in business. Also known as "The Science of Architecture", Vastu Shastra helps create an enjoyable and professional work atmosphere for both staff and the management. If you adhere to the rules of Vastu Shastra while building or designing the interiors and exteriors of your workplace, you will attract luck, success and prosperity. Here are some beneficial Vastu boosting for offices that are beneficial as well as boosting positive energy and business growth.

  • Shermukhian plots are perfect to build an office, a factory, or some other space for commercial use. Shermukhi plots are wider at the front and narrower towards the end. You can also purchase plots near roads that are functional.
  • Office buildings with towards the North or North-West directions are ideal since they bring luck and a positive attitude.
  • The main entrance of the office building or main door must be in the East or North direction. As per the Office, according to Vastu Please avoid placing any objects near or in between the entryway to the office building because it could cause obstructions.
  • This East (or North-East) corner of the building is the ideal spot for a welcoming space for a commercial house.
  • A central part of the building must be kept clear.
  • By the offices of Vastu, the cabin of the owner must be situated in the direction of South-West while he/she shoo temples to the North. Do not place temples and holy statues in front of the owner's seat. The desk must be rectangular. The glass structure is the owner's dream behind the seating area for the owner.
  • North or East directions are great for employees. Their faces must be facing the direction of their choice when sitting.
  • Make sure that the area to the northwest of the building for offices is clear of anti-elements and other activities to ensure the stability of the finance system. Beware of building toilets in the zone as they could create obstructions to cash flow. Continue to paint or display images of white horses in the North-West region because it symbolizes the strength of financial backing.
  • The location's East corner is a good spot, and those who deal with banking and cash must be facing in the East or North direction. Keep your financial records or financial statements reports in the incorrect direction. Keep these in their Central North or South-West corner of the office.
  • Business is based on financial flow. Vastu Shastra is a whether system for every business. If it's a new order or a receipt for payments, Vastu helps make every procedure easier.
  • Don't build a kitchen or pantry in direction of the North direction.
  • Don't use pink or red colours to paint walls in the North Zone walls. Beware of using green colours within your North corner. Green plants can be placed in that space.
  • The North-West direction is the ideal one to build conference rooms.
  • A tank with nine goldfish and a blackfish could be put in the direction of the North desks.
  • Desks for workstations should be square or rectangular. Avoid furniture that is L-shaped by Vastu guidelines for office space. The odd shape must be avoided.
  • In the corner of South-East, it is ideal for putting electronic equipment.
  • If you're a producer it is recommended to start your company in the south corner first before moving to your North and West directions.

Expert Vastu Advworkingfor Work from Home

Nowadays, working at home is now an exciting idea in our lives. Many entrepreneurs and professionals who work from home are finding that working from home is more productive. Homework gives the flexibility to work from home. Many professionals working at home would prefer to be able to set up their workstations in a cosy space in their homes such as a dining room table or bedroom corner an extra bedroom, or in the area that is in the middle of the passage. A well-planned and arranged space for your office in a harmonious environment boosts productivity.
By Vastu for the home office, it is crucial to adhere to the guidelines that are part of Vastu Shastra for positivity and positive vibes at your office at home. Here are some Vastu Shastra solutions that you must be aware of when creating a workspace at your home.

1.  Are you unsure of which direction is suitable for working at home in the office for work? Based on Vastu Shastra, when it comes to office space, the West or South-West side of the home is ideal for a home office since this is a good direction to achieve the stability of your business and career. The greatest benefit is that one can make their own decisions independently.

2.  Choose light yellow, cream or light green gold to decorate your office at home. The neutral colours are ideal to balance the workplace and you're home environment. Shades that are light like cream bring out commitment and respect for your work. Light yellow symbolizes healthy living. Greenlight soothes your body, mind and soul, and also brings positive energy. If you are looking to boost your profitability and profits, light gold is the best choice for your office at home.

3.  Your chair needs to be comfortable large, strong and wide enough to comfortably cover your head. According to Vastu rules, your seating arrangement is the instrument that will sustain you.

4.  According to Vastu Shastra The South-West area is the most suitable location for your office desk. Your face should be facing northeast, and your desk must be placed in that direction. The windows, doors and balconies should not be built behind your workstation. This will reduce stress and improve your concentration capacity.

5.  To keep important documents and files For storage of important documents, put your drawers and wardrobes in either or South-West directions of your home. It is important to ensure that they are opened in opposite directions (North, East or North-East direction). Citrine Cluster or the Gold Pyrite Crystal are the emblems of wealth and prosperity. Make sure to keep these in your drawer to increase your wealth.

6.  Avoid dark colours such as blue and black for your office space. Black colours symbolize negativity. the blue colour is not a good option for entrepreneurs. Blue symbolizes water. It can affect your mood and cause health issues.

7.   Keep your broken pens away broken papers, torn paper and other stationary objects. Keep your workstation tidy and tidy.

8.   As per Vastu Shastra for office work, the placement of a globe in the northwest area of the desk could be helpful for career advancement. It is possible to get work opportunities from overseas.

Vastu for Office Interiors for Success and Prosperity

A positive serene, inspirational and tranquil workplace atmosphere is directly linked to progress and success. Vastu Shastra is the science behind the architecture and can help create an environment that is positive for management as well as employees. If you adhere to the office Vastu solutions, you will bring prosperity, success and good fortune. Here are some of the most beneficial office Vastu techniques to achieve success and prosper in your work.

1 .  By  Vaastu Shastra, for office work, the North as well as the, as well as the North-Each favourable directions. The office owner must face these directions while working.

2.  The Marketing and Marketing team should sit in the North-West position, with the team with the direction of North-East facing. This is the ideal position for professionals and generates positive energy throughout the surrounding area.

3.  To attract wealth and prosperity To attract wealth and prosperity, it is recommended that the South-East area is the ideal location to work in the office for accountants as well as finance experts. They must face the North-East area while working.

4.  Business professionals must look to the northeast corner since this area is the symbol of headship and management. Therefore, this orientation helps to improve their leadership skills.

5.  North, as well as North-East direction, are the two most popular locations according to Vastu Shastra for offices. In the North, the direction is ruled by the Lord Kuber (The God of Wealth). The direction of the North-East is controlled by water. This indicates the financial condition that the proprietor has. Put mirrors or Kuber Yantra on the Northern wall of the Northern section inside the building. It will bring financial opportunities for businesses.

Shape of Desk

1.  According to Vastu Shatra for offices Do not stack items of finished products on top of your work area since it could cause obstructions. North-West direction is the best to place finished it ems.

2.  Important financial reports, documents, and other files should be stored in the locker located in the southwest corner of the office. To improve the flow of cash and increase the profitability of business the safe or locker should be facing in the direction of North-East.

3.  The reception area of offices is the main point of attention for guests. A bouquet placed on the desk can create a welcoming mood. You could also put green jade at the desk on the four-leaf clover plant that must be kept near the entrance to the office as it can bring good luck and prosperity.

4.  A rectangular table constructed from top-quality wood is best placed in the cabin of the owner. Avoid placing irregularly shaped tables inside the cabin. Because it encourages stress, infusion and disinterest in work.

Create Positive Energy to Boost the Business

1.  Managers, supervisors, and entrepreneurs must avoid sleeping at their desks at the work office because it can create negative energy within the environment.

2.  Maintain your desk tidy and tidy. Make sure you keep stationery items on the rack. Maintain the file in a well-organized way. Broken and damaged stationery must be disposed of. They could cause financial problems in the business.

3.   employees' shape should face the front of the building g. To foster a sense of trust and loyalty to your collea gues, set up a mountain backdrop on the back of your chair. The tortoise-shaped pyramid you place between the two will help you build a stronger relationship with your supervisors and owners.

Are you juggling with the issue of Which direction is best to work from home at the office? Should you face south when you sit in the office? If so, the above Vastu suggestion ns for office work can help you tremendously. In addition, you can communicate with our Astrologers. They will help you understand in depth about Vastu for Office aspects and also give you the most suitable choices based on your requirements.

What are the important Vedic Vastu rules for an office?

General rules to be adopted in office buildings are mentioned above, And 15 important Vedic Vastu rules must be followed.

  1. Accept the length, width, and height of the office buildings according to manaiyadi sastra, what is manaiyadi sastra? Click here
  1. Design the office boss's general manager's rooms according to  manaiyadi sastra
  2. Construction of office buildings in good quality according to the Building Formula(Ayadi Vastu) is very important for offices, what is Building Formula(Ayadi Vastu)? Click here
  3. Do not place the pillars and walls of the building on the mahamarma points of the land on which the building stands
  4. The toilet should not come in the area where AgniSutra and Mrityu Sutra pass, otherwise, there will be a financial loss for the organization and failure in business.
  5. It is very important to note that if the KuberaSutra or soma sutra  block comes, the debt will increase for the firm
  6. Check if your organization is experiencing GeopathicStress
  7. Check if your organization is experiencing BuildingSyndrome
  8. Check if your organization is experiencing HartmannCurry lines
  9. Follow GeoBiology for the good office environment
  10. Follow the instructions in Building Biology for a good office environment
  11. Choose the best name according to your date of birth by numerology and give it to the company
  12. Make the main door of your office or the door of your office cabin  towards the lucky direction of your horoscope
  13. On the day of starting an office, prepare the horoscope of your organization and check whether the organization is likely to face any obstacles or difficulties.
  14. The horoscope of the person starting the business should be checked
  15. According to your horoscope based on astrology, you should check 10 important things related to the profession you are doing

Vastu's consultation with the office demands an in-depth study.

  • The office should be located correctly within the building
  • The exteriors of offices like the shape, slope, elevation, the level of water
  • The direction of the entrance
  • The direction and position of windows
  • The beams' location
  • The basement's location
  • The direction and placement within the MD room
  • The placement and direction of the employee's title and work habits
  • The direction and position of the reception
  • The direction and location of AC coolers, AC and audio systems.
  • The direction and the location of the steps.
  • The direction and position of electronic equipment
  • The direction and location of the kitchen/pantry
  • The direction and position of toilets
  • The direction and placement of the conference or seminar rooms.
  • The direction and placement of the water-based products
  • The colour plan of your room

 Have your office inspected by a Vastu/astrology consultant who has the knowledge and experience to check all of the above. In my 15 years of experience, if you check the above with a good Vastu consultant, you can be 100% successful in your career or business


Vastu shastra, which combines science and architecture in one world, is nothing more than science. It redefines the meaning of modern-age offices. Vastu planning is a positive force that activates the positive field to help you reach your goals. To create a positive working environment, Professional Vastu planning is necessary. 

Contact us as Vastu experts for your other Vastu-related queries

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