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 Vastu for House {How To Find The 100% perfect House With Vedic Vastu system } Gruha Vastu | Home Vastu | Ghar Vastu 

This blog will explain the importance of Vastu for house,  as well as for all homeowners along with some useful tips to make this Vastu Shastra for the home Vastu-friendly. So, let us begin.


The following subheadings summarize the important Vedic Vastu shastra aspects of the   modern buildings and Vastu home


Each one of these is evaluated in the context of its application in the current practice of planning and design. Examples to illustrate the principles are given here The principles may be applied in different situations to evolve designs satisfying the modern requirements and the canons of Vastu shastra.


The center of the plot is taken as the reference point (Brahmanabhi) for the location of the building. In any plot, this reference point is located by marking it from the largest square or rectangle that can be accommodated in the plot. The Vastu is analyzed by a system of orthogonal grids. . For houses, the grid divisions of 7 x 7 to 11 are accepted. The width of one grid division will be the side clearance which should be by the modern building rules. Except in the case of large plots and buildings with central court yards, the area leaving the outermost enveloping cells will form the maxim um covered area The plinth area of the building minus this area satisfies the rules of ground coverage prescribed in the National Building Code and Building Bye-Laws should be adopted. The geometrical centre of the build ing (Grhanabhi) is another reference point. This should not coincide with 1he Brahma nabhi. The shift in the Grhanabhi is decided by the orientation of the building.


  There are two major guiding principles of a building in a plot

 i) The orientation of the building is decided concerning the Brahma nabhi of the Vastu. for example, if the Grha nabhi is located on the Brahma nabhi, it is considered to have a Westen location facing east

ii ) The orientation is also decided by its location concerning the adjacent features like road, stream, paddy field, and sea. For example, if the access road of the plot abuts its  northern boundary, the building is to be oriented towards its  north  is to be designed as a Daksinasala (southern hall facing north )

Both these rules should be satisfied simultaneously for this, the plot is divided into 4 quadrants, and northeast and southwest quadrants are chosen for the location of the shifted position of the Grhanabhi. For example. for plots on both sides of a north-south road, the Grhanabhi of the building eastern plot will be in the north-east quadrant and that of the western plot will be in the south-west quadrant

Similarly, for two plots on both sides of a west-east road, the Grhanabhi will be in the northeast quadrant and southwest quadrant for the northern and southern plots respectively. In the case of corner plots, the orientation will be decided by the relative importance of the access road and the preferential pattern of Shalas (southern, western northern, and eastern in that order).

 It can be seen that the guiding rule here is that the Grha nabhi is to be shifted to the the-east or southwest quadrant of the Vastu shastra While the centre of the plot (Brahma nabhi) can be viewed as the centre of the three-dimensional built form. Based on this concept, the position of the Grhanabhi can be shifted by giving increased heights to selected portions of the building. Alternatively, this can be achieved by providing additional floors elevated water tanks and other features which will provide additional mass in the required direction. Generally, the texts prescribe such additions in the mass in the south and west  portions of the building only


For public buildings, shrines, and other symbolic buildings, access located along its centerline is permitted, but the cent erline of the gate structure should be given a small shift ( this is called  Gamana) from the centerline of the Vastu. The central location of the gate always, therefore, denotes a public building The access to plots for all other uses should be shif ted to the right side of the center as one faces the plot. Typi cally. when the frontage is divided into 9 parts, the gate is to be located in the fourth cell from the right-hand comer. the Vedic Vastu shastra text Manusyalayacandriaka and Maya permits two additional locations on each side in the second and seventh cells

These are for secondary gales (Upadwara) in the modern context, these secondary positions can be used as entries for vehicles, cattle, etc. The rule for the main    entrance door of the house prescribes that it should not be along with the centre of the  building but should be shifted to the left of the center line To satisfy this condition, the entrance should be between the centre of the plot and to the centre of the line of the building  


 There are considerable regional variations in the use of spaces for different facilities to accommodate differences in climatic and social conditions, Generally, is found that the importance of activity spaces increases towards the east and north from the southwest corner. The south-west corner is generally suited for the entry  of outsiders to the house and hence  may be used also as office  space

In the four cardinal directions, the prescribed uses are dining and religious rites in the east, living and studying in the est, a safe room, and bedroom in the north, and a guest room, and a grain store in the south. In the corner directions, the pooja and kitchen are located in the northeast comer or southeast corner depending on regional practices. The locations of the dining area and area for the rituals in the east suit both these positions of kitchen and puja. In the northwest ( Vāyu corner), the corner is used as the sick room, providing comfortable living conditions.

The well can be located in the outer envelope of the plot covering the crisis in the northeast quadrant (Makara Kumbha, Meenam, Meşham, and Rishabha basis). Another location is the pada of Indrajit located to the north of the southwest corner. All these positions are auspicious for the sumps The preferred position for the elevated water tank is the pada of Indrajith 

Since the auspicious ground slopes are towards,  the east and north directions, it is to be taken that the drainage should be provided to suit this condition Therefore the septic tank should be positioned in the direction east of north. it may be noted that the drainage (pranalika) from the Garbhagrha and the drain the outlet of the central courtyard of the  Chatusala rare prescribed to be in this direction. Taking into account this aspect, the desirable positions for the well are those in  Mee nam, Meşham, and Rishabha basis,  in the north-east


 Vastu shastra generally prescribes rectangular plane shapes for the building. The length-to-width ratio of the padonam category is not favoured for building. In practical cases, buildings may have projections,, But the perimeter of such a building will be the same as that of the enclosing rectangle. This enclosing rectangle is taken as the shape equivalent to the build ng and the length-to-width ratio of the equivalent rectangle is considered for deciding its acceptability. In the case of recesses, the perimeter will be more than that of the enveloping rectangle. The equivalent perimeter, in this case, can be arrived at by transferring the recess into a projection of identical shape and computing the perimeter of the new enveloping rectangle


 The orientation of the rooms is taken as that of the building The perimeters of the rooms should, therefore, conform to the same yoni as that of the building. To overcome the rigidity of the application of this rule for different rooms in a building, built-i flexibility is introduced by the concept of related yonis. 

It is desirable to have your own yoni (Nijayoni) for the main rooms of the house, viz, the living room, and bedroom For the kitchen and prayer room, Dhwajayoni may be adopted. For all other secondary spaces, Nijayoni or other related yonis are acceptable. For corridors, passages. stair- rooms, etc., the width may be adjusted from the Padayoni dimensions of Nijayoni or related yonis. In the courtyard type of buildings, the central courtyard should always be Dhwajayoni                        

In secular buildings, perfect figures like regular polygons and circles are not generally prescribed in Vastushastra except for prayer rooms. Imperfections can be introduced in the shape by giving small extensions or distortions In the case of a square, this is done by giving elongation (Ayama) along one axis of the square. The proportioning of the rectangles is done by two methods one based on the Padayoni principle and the other on the Gunamsa principle


 A summary of the important Vastu principles, having direct practical applications have been given in this Blog. These principles are applicable for evaluating and correcting the existing buildings also. The textbooks do not give guidelines for corrections. Therefore, substantial alterations are not indicated. The principles may be put to logical use for such evaluation and correction on the following lines

i) Location: Evaluate the Location of the building concerning its position in the plot. II it is not found favourable, the plot can be redefined by constructing a dwarf wall in such a way that the Brahmanabhi of the plat is shifted favourably relative to the Grhanabhi. Alternatively. the position of the Grhanabhi can be shifted by adding mass in required positions by adding space, raising the height of rooms, or by adding rooms on the first floor

 ii) Gate: The location of the access gate to the plot can be altered to a favourable position if the existing one is not in a satisfactory location. The gates to the garage etc. can be treated as secondary ones.

 iii) Location of facilities: This is to be studied as per the general principles given. Changes, necessary should be done with minimum structural alterations

iv) Dimensions of rooms: If these do not concur with the range of acceptable perimeters of the desirable yoni, minor changes

v) Overall perimeter: The overall perimeter, if not favourable, can be conveniently corrected by making changes in the dimensions of verandahs, garages, etc. without altering the main building.

 vi) Evaluation Report: To take Vastu consultant  to a professional must give a written report explaining the rationale behaved the suggested changes


This knowledge that I have shared with you is based on the Indian scriptures such as ManushyaLaya Chandrika, Manasara Mayamatam Vishwakarmayem, as well as the knowledge I have received from my Acharyas and Gurus Vastu shastra is an honest science. Many mistakes are made due to the ignorance of the people who handle it so every one of you. who reads this should choose someone who has properly studied  Vastu Shastra from a Guru with real knowledge as a Vastu consultant. If you build a house according to Indian  Vastu shastra law, you are one hundred per cent sure that you can live happily with all the luxuries. VASTU SHASTRA FOR HOME - This blog is dedicated to people who want to know more about Vastu shastra.

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